Thursday, January 15, 2009

Malaysia –Truly the Best International Destination for 2008

Global Traveler, a prestigious US based businessMagazine, has named Malaysia the ‘Best International Tourism Destination of 2008’. It was Malaysia’s third straight win in the category.

Director of Tourism Malaysia Sydney, Mr Shahrin Mokhtar, says the series of awards Malaysia has received in 2008 has validated the country as one of the world’s most desirable destinations for 2009.

“Malaysia enjoyed a very healthy growth in travel numbers from Australia in 2008 with double digit growths for the most part of the year,” says Shahrin.

“Our latest figures show that 381,352 Australian travellers visited Malaysia between January - November 2008, which is an impressive 33.5% increase when compared to the same period in 2007.”

Australia remains as one of the top ten tourist-generating countries for Malaysia.

Global Traveler’s annual survey received responses from more than 31,000 readers, most of whom were frequent premium travelers with an average of 33 round-trip flights per year. This is the 5th year that they have conducted the survey.

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