Saturday, August 29, 2009

Old Charms of Lebuh Chulia (Chulia Street), Penang

Pearl of the Orient is and will always be attached to Penang for many years to come. Walk around the area surrounding Komtar in Georgetown had never failed to mesmerise me with the beauty of the old heritage building architecture and designs.

A day trip to Penang and short walkabout around Penang Road en-route to Chulia Street revealed fascinating interests and a journey through time which we hope will always be retained for the future generations.

left) An old budget hotel spruced up and with a fresh look at the intersection between Penang Road and Chulia Street.

(right) a row of shophouses along Chulia Street have now been converted into budget hotels for backpackers. Other then Chulia Street, the adjacent Love Lane had also been a haven for backpackers visiting Penang.

(left) a rather interesting painted signage adorns the side wall of the shophouse stating a combination of chicks and furniture!

(right) the paved intersection between Chulia Street and Jalan Masjid Kapitan Keling provides another attraction to the narrow roads and Masjid Kapitan Keling.

(left) an alley along Chulia Street
reflecting the backlane living which have not changed with development.

the old hardware market along Chulia Street is still a favorite among the Penang folks (right)

(left) an senior citizen gulping a large bottle of beer for a morning fix at 10am in a coffee shop along the street.

(right) a rather interesting combination of rumah urut and budget hotel with the picture of a panda adding an interesting proposition.

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