Sunday, August 16, 2009

Holiday in month of Ramadhan?

Muslim fasting month, the holy month of Ramadhan is approaching (expected to be on 22nd August 2009) and where majority of Malaysians, of the Islam faith would be observing a month long fast.

Similar to each year, it signals a quiet and lean period for hotel businesses which for this year is expected to run till end of September. Most hotels are busy preparing to sell packages and food promotions bundled with rooms.

Even though travelling is reduced for majority Muslims worldwide, this period allows travellers to secure great rates and packages from hotel accommodation. It is a great opportunity for all to take advantage of the quiet month to travel as well take advantage of the last 7-8 days of the Malaysia Mega Sale.

For the foreigners, travelling during this period would be a breeze and unlike the Ramadhan observed in the Middle East, tourist attractions, restaurants, cafes, shopping and entertainment centres remains open. Besides, it is also a chance for visitors to Malaysia to experience Pasar Ramadhan in many locations around the country where local delicacies for breaking fast are sold.

Incidently, the 52nd Independence Day falls during the fasting month and the customary annual Parade has been scaled down which is now scheduled to be held in a stadium instead of the regular outdoor hours long parade.

Check out the list of hotels here with great bargains!

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