School sports day was always a day of festivity with facade and colorful tents being constructed out of funds collected from the students within the sports house. For the leaders of the respective sports house, it presents an opportunity to getting a feel of being a future leader in looking for talent, motivate and prepare the next batch to assume the role.
The triumphant team would celebrate while the unfortunate looking forward to a re-match the following year. For the respective sports house, it presents a day to retain supremacy and if not, improve the position from the previous event.
That's was many years ago during school and with my children's school sports day this year, it provides me another opportunity to be on the "field" to capture the event on pictures although schooling days are over but learning experience still continues.
All geared up for the start of the event while a concerned parent observing her children from the side.
Pretty maids all in a row ~ all prepared for the cultural dance to be presented to the VIPs.
These are the flagbearers representing the colors of the sports hosue having fun while waiting for the event to start and they are sure young upstarts for Chingay!
Teams marching in and reciting their "war" calls.
VIPs declaring the meet open while releasing pigeons as a symbolic representation.
Karate exponents geared up for their moment
Your moment of truth has arrived, go and show your stuff!
Limbering up for the show with a kick.
The school Wushu exponents going through their routine accompanied by music representing a refreshing move from the common self defense act.
Preparing and fine tuning the music instrument.
The school marching band marching in to perform.
Ready, get set, go ...... the starter has always been the focal point for sports meet with their starter guns.
"I won it distance apart!"
We were this close, I swear!
Ever since Marina Chin hogged the limelights during her heydays, Malaysia had never seen another and perhaps she would be the future star.
Now, easy does it... balance!
An ice cream to cool the body down and never expected that it would get that messy!
Stay focused for the race!

Quick grab the ball and run to the finishing line!
Usain Bolt, here I come!
The flag dance?
Can't tolerate the wait for my event and rather warm up!
Officials disagreement but it's all smiles again!
Warming up for the two legged race and this is how we do it brother!
Are you ready Bro?
Look, they are ahead of us!
Guys, on battle stations please!
Pullllllllllll.......... 1,2, pulllllll.............. 1,2, pulllllllllll
We lost nevertheless, it was a good try!
A silver for a deserving job, well done!
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