Thursday, July 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Son!

Being a parent and father, perhaps we have been too busy with work besides having to assure that food is always on the table for our loved ones. We forgot about ourselves and sometimes our own lvoed ones.

With our own blood, sweat and tears, we toiled the hours day-in, day-out but can never replaced the precious time we spend with our loved ones. We nagged, scold and correct them everytime in the name of discipline and attitude with a hope that they would be someone successful and who contributes to the society.

It is painful at times but a parent has to do whatever it takes to ensure that your future remains bright. We do not asked to be cared for when we are old but I know that in every person, there is a soft spot for something called "LOVE"!

Happy Bithday Son!

With luv,

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