Tuesday, April 7, 2009

East Coast Revisited ....... III

With such a hectic travel schedule, no wonder the car had given up on us when we had to stop in by the road on the insistence of the warning light. We had no idea where we were till a villager came and told us that the place is called Sungai Tong approximately another hour to Kuala Terengganu.

Lifting the bonnet confirms the worse scenario facing a traveler when the belts on the engine had all been torn apart. It's a dead end for us and can't do much than to call for a tow truck.

Waited for 2 hours for the tow truck in addition to incessant calls to the tow tuck driver till he came to a point telling us "if you need a faster solution, call for a helicopter" which had us laughing amidst the anger in waiting.

The cloudy and windy weather have been kind to us waiting by the car with no shady trees along the trunk road as we watched vehicles pass us by.

The tow truck finally arrived and this young Malay gentleman got down to work without much talk when we got the impression that it's not going to be a pleasant journey in the tow truck. It is during the journey that we learnt the tow truck speed had been deliberately set to 20km per hour to ensure the safety of the truck and car!

However, we found out that it was the opposite and this chap was a pleasant individual afterall!

the long wait for tow truck ... could have put the hours into better use ;-)

had nothing much to do but watching interestingly how ants work as a team, huff and puff ... to get this rubberband to their nest but failed

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