Friday, May 9, 2008

Myanmar and Cyclone Nargis

Midnight, May 3, 2008 (Saturday) Cyclone Nargis slammed into Myanmar (Burma) and left a trail of destruction. Myanmar, the country I had visited many times never failed to capture my thoughts of the simple people living in poverty and with Government policy of never wanting to open its doors for the betterment.

With this recent catasthropic event, I can't imagine the thoughts and lives of the survivors from that day onwards in a hope to restore the living conditions prior to that eventful day. Myanmar is one of the poorest countries in the world and with daily electricity rationing a norm (some homes are without electricity and television is almost non-existence to some hosuehold), one can imagine the harrowing life they have to go through when night falls.

The electricity and water were badly affected with the military junta slow in accepting international aid while the living conditions are growing from bad to worse each day should the victims be denied of urgent assistance from abroad. They had lived with bare necessities for sometime and now, everything is gone within that day event. The town of Bogalay itself had a reported 50,000 dead!

As of today, thousands are reportedly dead and many more missing. US had estimated 100,000 dead with more then 1 million homeless. How more critical can the situation be from here? No food, no clean drinking water, no medical aid, no electricity, no homes, access roads flooded, remote villages separated by flood waters ........

I personally had lost contact with my friends and associates in Myanmar till today despite the numerous attempt to call them. I pray for the safety of my friends and the Myanmar people.

Don't really know of the magnitude of devastation on the ground as I believe the Myanmar Government would make it difficult for news and pictures to be broadcasted abroad. You can view some footage from here;

(a) BBC
(b) or the latest news from
- Mizzima
- Irrawady

Can Myanmar grow out of this tragic event? It is time to forget the nationality, race, religion and political ideologies. Let's us pray for their recovery and please help the people of Myanmar in this time of need through the contribution channels in your respective countries.

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